Development of a multi-scale coastal risk index




Project name: Integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies to implement the ICZM protocol in the Mediterranean (ClimVar & ICZM project) – Strengthening the Knowledge Base on Regional Climate Variability and Change.

Client / Funder: Acclimatise Group / Plan Bleu

Project duration: October 2014 – November 2015

Project area: Mediterranean (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia)

Type of service:  Strategic Research




Main objectives: 

  • Providing a regional and sub-regional overview of vulnerable key socio-economic sectors;
  • Exploring relevant options of adaptation for coastal zones in the region;
  • Taking stock of existing relevant tools and methodologies at regional, sub-regional and local level to evaluate vulnerability and risk to the impacts of climate variability and change;
  • Developing an integrated methodology for the regional, sub-regional and local vulnerability and risk assessment of physical and socio-economic impacts of climate variability and change;
  • Delivering a regional analysis of expected impacts of climate variability and change, which allows to calculate vulnerabilities and risks and identify coastal hot-spots;
  • Delivering a targeted analysis of expected impacts of climate variability and change in one relevant local case study.



Main results:  

  • Development and implementation of a Multi-Scale Coastal Risk Index at the Mediterranean scale (CRI-MED).
  • Development of a Multi-Scale Coastal Risk Index at the local scale (CRI-LS) and implementation in the case study of Tetouan, Morocco.





Useful resources:

  • Final report: “Satta, A., Venturini, S., Puddu, M., Firth, J., Lafitte, A. (2015). Strengthening the Knowledge Base on Regional Climate Variability and Change: Application of a Multi-Scale Coastal Risk Index at Regional and Local Scale in the Mediterranean. Plan Bleu Report.”






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